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Japanese Music (Pop, rock and all 'dat) |OT|

The Nogizaka46 girl? She was photographed kissing and hugging a married guy. Aside from the married aspect, idols aren't supposed to date. It's something that everyone knows goes on, but when they do date they're supposed to make sure that no one ever finds out about it. There were always rumors that Oshima Yuko (one of AKB's most popular girls) was dating, but no one could ever prove it, no matter how hard the paparazzi tried to find any links to it.

The Nogizaka46 girl says that was worrying about something while walking the streets, the guy called out to her and she went to dinner with him. She said that she didn't use her real name and that all they did was talk about her hobbies (anime and manga). So, no one really believes the explanation. But for as bad as it is, it still doesn't take the cake for bad explanations. That title is still held by Abe Natsumi (an ex-Morning Musume member) who spent two nights over at a drama directors house. Her explanation as to what she was doing? Playing Playstation. That's it.

Ah Nogizaka46, thanks. I was into AKB heavily so I get the idol rules (poor Miichan).That guy got busted big time, what an ass. LOL at that MM member tho, brilliant.


So I recently discovered One Ok Rock....now I'm a HUGE fan. So damn good. Need to find a poster now..maybe gonna have to ask my bro to send me one


Just in time for the announcement of their new album ;)

February Next year right? Can't wait :D Now watching a studio Jam session video by them. As a big fan of acoustic covers this is hitting all the right notes for me.....

if you or anyone else know a place where I can buy a poster of OOR pls let me know...tried to look around but couldn't find any :S

ps: on a random note, I'm really impressed by some of the rock music that has come out of Japan. I enjoy that genre from Japan more than anything. Have three bands I really love now. One Ok Rock, Asian Kungfu Generation and Maximum the Hormone


So, I give a chance to Kyary Pamyu Pamyu this week, and because I was bored I wrote a "review" of her three albums, going track by track:

Pamyu Pamyu Revolution
It's an intro track alright. It's a nice mellody like the star of a little adventure, but that's it.

Now it really starts. The chorus is really good and catchy, and the rest fits well with the rest. It's a really solid and well produced song.

I really like this song. It was the first KPP song I've heard (like many), and while it did not catch my interest on the first few listens, I ended up loving it. It's a really fun song and so nice on the ears. I also love the way she says "desho" here. :3

I really don't like this. Right from the begining you can see that it's going to be like children songs. Not the good ones, but the really obnoxious ones. Nothing here saves the song. And the worse part is that it's a COMBO B-B-BREAKER...

The constant repetition of "an an pamyu pamyu" is a little annoying, but the parts with the "regular" verses are actually nice. If it wasn't so repetitive (and long) it would be better.

Nice melody and chorus, but the rest, IDK, I don't like it very much. For some reason I find her voice outside of the chorus really strange, kinda dry and rough.

Right from the start you can see it's going to be great. It begins with a nice tecno-pop feel, with some nice synths and then the chorus, which have more of a familiar KPP flavor, with the really sweet voice. And it's so goddamn catchy. "drinker drinker drinker drinker suteki na sekai wa"...

I really, really love the chorus for this, It's good enough to make this song one of my favorite of the non-singles ones. The rest is okay. Not good enought, and sometimes I feel it clashes a little with my favorite part of the song.

To be honest this is very run of the mill j-pop to my ears. But it's also not bad. There's not much to say other than that. It's not amazingly diferent that chatches your attention, but not so generic that makes you bored or make you hate the song. It's just nice.

Kinda forgetable.

A very fitting title. It really makes me want to say good night and go sleep. It has a very, very sweet melody, the kind dreams are made off.

When I listen to this song, I get this image of a show and there's confetti falling everywhere and everyone jumping really happy, while KPP says "arigatou!" with a tired voice every break. a.k.a. a perfect show ending song, which is also a good album ending song.

Over all a solid album, with roughly half pretty good songs and half pretty mediocre songs. It doesn't have much flow, which won't bother me, because these type of songs are much better in shuffle, IMO.

Nanda Collection
It's an intro.

BEST SONG EVER. My favorite from her. Togheter with the MV, it reminds me of Rhythm Heaven (Remix 8 of the DS one), and it makes me want a new Rhytm Heaven ;_;

It's okay. A little catchy, but nothing stands out.

4.Super Scooter Happy
I can't. Sorry, the only thing that sticks to my mind about this song is the Mario music. And it annoys me to no end because I CAN'T FOR THE LOVE OF GOD FIGURE OUT WHICH (MARIO) SONG IT REMINDS ME OF.

But really now, is a nice song. Tho I feel it's a little too long.

Simple and amazing song. It's sticks on your mind and you're not even mad because of how good it is.

I don't know. I like the instrumental, but the vocals not so much. At least I can say it's not bad.

Aside from the times she says "Fashion Monster" (especially at the begining), it's a solid song. Funny that the first time I listened to it I hated it but now I feels it's actully good.

Kinda forgattable.

The annoying song of the album. On the same level as Minna no Uta.

Pretty good song. Very upbeat, nice melodies and a nice vocal.

Super boring.

It's okay. A odd choice for an ending song. I like the soft melodies with a little bit of a more upbeat rhythm, and it reminds a little of Oyasumi form her previous album.

Overall, I think it's a step back from Pamyu Pamyu Revolution. While the good songs are better (Like Ninjari Bam Bam and Invader Invader), there's more mediocre songs and bad songs than on the last album. There's nothing from the non-singles that stands out to me as amazing.

Pika Pika Fantajin
Intro yay. (Better of the three tho).

We enter the album in hyper mode, with one of KPP's best songs. There's not much to say to be honest. It's just a amazing song.

It's a calm down from the previous song, with a pretty good remix of this nice song. The remix fixes my major problem with the song: It was way too boring instrumentally (on the parts she doesn't sing). It's much better now, but it's not super amazing eighter. It's the sweetest song of hers and I would like more of this stuff (whith this quality of course).

My second favorite song, it's SUPER amazing. I love everything about this.

A rock song! The very repetitive nature of the begining kinda ruins the song. But after the first chorus (I've gotta say, the chorus is amazing), it get's better. And that "solo"? sogood.gif.

6.do do pi do
If capsule covers are going to be a thing going forward, I would love a Step On The Floor cover >.>

Anway, it's a great song. I haven't heard capsule original, but this sounds very KPP-like, it will get very wierd for me the hear the original.

Another song that needed to get better, and another song that got a album mix. Sadly, it's still not that good. I don't know what it is, but something about this song doesn't click with me. (But after listening to the previous albums it's certainly much, much better than the first time I've listened to it).

8.Ring a Bell
The emboidment of meh.

Like Drinker on the first album, it's pretty damn good. The instrumental isn't as good as Drinker, but it's still quality stuff.

This a weird little song. I'm not sure how I feel about it. I mean, it's not bad, but...

It's okay. The vocals are nice, but the instrumental... ugh. This one I haven't heard the original before, so I can't say if the mix is better.

I feel that got it to sound exactly like they wanted. It really feels like a explorer song, and given the position of the song in the album, it also sound like a ending sound. I kinda get a Captain Toad feel from this, like a small Toad going for a adventure and this is played as it leaves the town. Sadly, I don't like it quite as much as I think it's a smart song.

So overall, this is a much, MUCH better album than the last one. Like, miles better. And it's better than the first one too. And the best part, it didn't have a supper annoying song like the first two \o/ (Tho Ring a Bell almost reaches it).

If I've heard the albums as they were released, after PPR I would be 50/50 on it, and would wait to see her next one. After NC, I would stop right there, with disappointment. Wouldn't even look at PPF. But this is not the case, and I'm glad I waited to give KPP a chance. Looking at this album and the song at the New 3DS CM, I feel a bright future ahead for KPP.


Nobody posted the new Hello Sleepwalkers song? It's pretty fun, I think.
Hello Sleepwalkers - Hyakki Yagyō(百鬼夜行)
Cool song title. It refers to this.
Edit: it was posted last page.

New Kinoko Teikoku music video.
Forgot that a new album is coming at the end of the month. Hope it's anywhere near as good as Eureka.
It's pretty surreal seeing them walk around in a neighborhood I love. I performed around there a couple times with my bands. Nostalgia ;____________;

Not shoegazey enough for me, personally.


Does anyone listen to Sound Horizon? I found the MV for this month's EP.
Sound Horizon - Yodaka no Hoshi

The second track on the album, Mother, is my favorite from the EP.
They played part of it at the end of an interview with Revo on Com Chat Countdown in September.
Sound Horizon - Mother


Man I didn't think I'd be hyped for the new Kinoko Teikoku but I think I'm gonna buy the new album just because of that new PV, can't stop listening to that song. There's an hip-hop vibe going on, it's so catchy.

New Hondana no Moyoko PV, it's cool!
They sound like a less psychedelic version of Shinsei Kamattechan.

Rui Hashimoto recently opened a temporary store for his brand Stingray. Since he's a pretty well known guy who's often the official photographer for a lot of bands, a ton of artists came to the shop.
So many pictures on his Instagram, I know almost all the people in the pictures... http://instagram.com/ruihashimoto
With Tomoya from ONE OK ROCK and TAXMAN from THE BAWDIES.


I'm sure Kurita posted about it, but I'm just now hearing the collaboration between Ajikan and Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra on their newest album. So awesome.

What are the best Ska albums of the year??


The Mirraz's newest album, OPPORTUNITY is sick. It got everything I wanted, it might become my favorite album of the band. They kept the slightly "dark" tone of their first major album (there are some heavy bass lines every now and then, I thought the bass didn't get enough love in their indie releases), the fun of their indie stuff (the poppy i luv 日常 is hilarious), it's the best of both worlds. I love every album they released anyway so I knew I wouldn't be dissapointed. Slower tunes such as 世界一キレイなもの, レイトショーデートしよう... are beautiful, reminds of stuff like ただいま、おかえり or あーあ.
Pretty sure this album will be in my 2014 top 10.


New Frederic PV, from their major debut mini-album released a few weeks ago.
The drawings were made by the band's bassist.

Bought THE NOVEMBERS's new album this morning with low expectations. Only listened to the first few tracks on Spotify before that but didn't like them that much because it was too noisy. I think this album works better when you listen to the entire thing, it's pretty damn good. Like, the first half is quite "loud" and noisy but it becomes smoother later on, good transition effect. I prefer the previous album so far but this one will grow on me.


Definitely check out her albums (Thank you, Love and and Love Place), she's more on the ballad side but she has songs in the style of the one you liked. You can hear her whole discography here http://nishinokana.tumblr.com/discography

Some tracks you might like

Distance is great. (sounds like BoA at times)

It feels like all her great b-sides are on her singles and not her albums.
And her discography is so big, too. TT
Looking forward to her upcomig album.
thanks for recommending stuff


Digging the cover of Hitorie's upcoming album.
A month left!

Lots of great releases coming this week : Straightener, Good Morning America, LEGO BIG MORL and Hello Sleepwalkers have new albums coming and KEYTALK are dropping a new single (which imo features their new killer tune). Can't wait!
And next week it's Gesu no Kiwami Otome, Kinoko Teikoku and Sakanaction's turn!


^Both of you? hahaha

Edit: Kurita interrupted the line of my arrow. :(
You two have the same avatar. So silly.


THE ORAL CIGARETTES have been releasing very short extracts from their upcoming album. Sounds like it's going to be one of the best albums of the year.

Been listening to Arashi's new album, THE DIGITALIAN.

Cool album but they set the bar really high with LOVE, their album released last year.
I feel like this one is more electro-oriented, LOVE had more rock tunes, might be why I loved it. THE DIGITALIAN had some quite strong singles though : GUTS!, 誰も知らない and Bittersweet were pretty amazing. The album songs might be weaker than the ones on LOVE.
As for the solo songs, well, I still don't really care for Matsumoto and Ohno's solos, they're usually pretty weak compared to the others, Sakurai, Aiba and Ninomiya's ones are far better. Sakurai has the best solo song on this album imo.
Guess the album will grow on me, need to give it a few more spins.
I'm just a little disappointed that Arashi doesn't get songs by "hip" artists like other Johnny's bands/artists. For instance, SMAP recently got two songs written by Gesu no Kiwami Otome's vocalist, by Hyadain, two years ago Sakanaction's vocalist also wrote them a song. Kanjani8 got stuff by Hyadain, Takahashi Yu... Kinda weird that their most popular band doesn't get the same treatment.

New Nakada Yuji PV, this guy seriously has one of the sexiest voices ever.


Great minds think alike. I changed my avatar as soon as I posted the pics. I can't change it right now though since I'm on mobile.


Yeah I'm not really the target audience for this kind of band haha, but I like their image. It's cool and cheesy at the same time.
Weirdly enough I'm not into female idols (well, aside from bikini pics :lol). Guess it's because I prefer male vocalists in the other genres I listen to.


Team Syachihoko new single 'Shampoo Hat' is written by Enon Kawatani. Says he wants to completely change the group's image.

Unfortunately for him he'll have to work really hard if he wants to make it the group's weirdest single to date or even make it stand out in their super eclectic discography


Quick thoughts on new releases.

Amazing album, might be their best one so far. It's so... "Cool". Yeah, that's the word I'd use to describe it. I love the vocalist, the great bass lines... Can't get enough of it. They really deserve to become more famous.

グッドモーニングアメリカ - inトーキョーシティ (Good Morning America - In Tokyo City)
Definitely one of the best pop-rock bands in Japan right now along with KEYTALK, KANA-BOON... So catchy (they have a few slow songs, which are also great), so fun. A must-listen if you like this kind of music. It will make you dance and sing along with the band.

Hello Sleepwalkers - Liquid Soul and Solid Blood
Great mini-album, it felt more electro-ish than their full album released earlier this year. Still digging the twin vocals, the high energy of this young band... They tried some new things and it worked so... yaaay.

Already said that MONSTER DANCE was their new killer tune, it's just one of the best songs of the year. The B-sides are as good as the title track, it's really impressive. It's a band that keeps on getting better with every release, I love them so much. And they just announced their first live DVD, I'm so excited!
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