Two bands I love from opposite sides of the Earth together. Whoawhoawhoawhoa.
Hold still, my heart.
tricot supported them yesterday.
Two bands I love from opposite sides of the Earth together. Whoawhoawhoawhoa.
Hold still, my heart.
Why shouldn't they? I mean the crowd does the wall of death at concerts so obviously they buy into it. No limitations or elitism fits in here, that's partly why a concept like this has worked, because they ran with a weird idea and succeeded.
Komaki seems to have played his last gig for the band, wonder who's stepping in on their lives these days.. anyone know?
is there a specific reason he's parting ways with the band? I hope it's just because he wants to form another excellent math rock band. That would be sick.
I think that was the reason too. That or he wanted to do his own thing. I'm surprised he was in the band this long tbh considering he was initially a support member.Creative differences IIRC but don't quote me on that, I'm not sure.
Paul Smith ‏@paulsmithmusic 1h
And now I know what the Japanese Pop Idol winner's song sounds like: Aphex Twin stuck in a room with excitable female schoolchildren. Ace!
tricot supported them yesterday.
Grabbed the latest Rockin'on Japan issue today, dat Hosomi Takeshi goodness inside
Always a pleasure to see great pictures of artists I like...
How many pages is it? It's really expensive.
The Flickers will release their major debut EP on June 4th through Avex's new rock lanel ONECIRCLE.
Can't wait!
Finally! la la larks have announced a single, ego-izm. It will be released on June 4th, and include five tracks:
2.end of refrain  
5.end of refrain(Instrumental)
Ego-izm will be the ending theme song for an anime called M3, apparently. Here's the PV, which includes the song, here!
(Source: Ro69)
Finally! la la larks have announced a single, ego-izm. It will be released on June 4th, and include five tracks:
2.end of refrain  
5.end of refrain(Instrumental)
Ego-izm will be the ending theme song for an anime called M3, apparently. Here's the PV, which includes the song, here!
(Source: Ro69)
Miki Furukawa released an album on the 2nd. Haven't got it yet but I'm looking forward to hearing it. PV for Dreamer.
Bugy Craxone are releasing a new album on June 18th too.
Holy fucks
Koji Nakamura also has a new album coming out at the end of the monthMiki Furukawa released an album on the 2nd. Haven't got it yet but I'm looking forward to hearing it. PV for Dreamer.
Bugy Craxone are releasing a new album on June 18th too.