Found some great shoegaze-y stuff recently and wanted to share.
Lost in the Fog - Suicide Parade -Acoustic version-
Free download
Lost in the Fog - Suicide Parade -Acoustic version-
Free download
Took me a moment but it really grew on me. Their latest album has set the bar so high anyway... Can't wait for the single.The new Champagne song is good, but I don't think I like it as much as the songs from their latest album. The video was pretty good, love the bits they leave in at the end.
Found some great shoegaze-y stuff recently and wanted to share.
Lost in the Fog - Suicide Parade -Acoustic version-
Free download
holy shit there's a new May.e album out now!
Nice. Cheers for that. I was looking around for another J-gaze.
Keep us updated for some new Shoegaze bands. Itching for more!
On the topic of J-gaze bands and free albums, have you heard of For Tracy Hyde? They are great Shoegaze band and they just released a EP this year which is FREE as well. I have to add that it was a fantastic EP.
I have to say that they have contributed in releasing 5 EPs this year and all of them fantastic. They are certainly one of the best indie band that came from Japan in recent years.
Thanks, I enjoyed those. I generally favor female vocals more, though, with BUMP OF CHICKEN being the big exception.
Searched the thread and didn't find anything so here's something for Jazz lovers:
浜田マロン 「午前0時の地下劇場」
浜田マロン 「私のピストル 平成二十四年編」
Unfortunately I couldn't find my favorite song of hers 腐った果実 / 腐った果実 平成二十四年編 on any video streaming websites.
So... I listed all the J-Rock EPs and albums released in 2013 that I enjoyed.
78 CDs are in it. Welp.
It only takes me one or two listenings to see if I like it.How can you form an opinion on 78 CDs? I never buy any music until I am done with batch I have and appreciate it for what it is and then see whether its good or bad.
How can you form an opinion on 78 CDs? I never buy any music until I am done with batch I have and appreciate it for what it is and then see whether its good or bad.
Halfway through RADWIMPS's new album
Too good
Shihido Kavka's album kicks ass. It's everything I wanted from a girl rock band.
On the topic of 大森靖子: I can't decide whether I like her or not. She has moments where I like her voice but then it suddenly cracks or she overextends and it sound off and rubs me the wrong way.
I love her. She released a new PV the other day. It's really great I think, it's a more upbeat version of ミッドナイト清純異性交遊. Can't wait to hear her new album.
Finally got around to listening to Mariko Goto's new album and I'm loving it. Better than her first.
I'm like the only person I know who's not in love with her solo stuff. idk it just aint doing it for me yet I guess.Yeah, I'm really enjoying the new Mariko Goto album. I love that weird atonal piano song that ends in her just screaming.
And never expect any less from RADWIMPS. ;_;
I'm like the only person I know who's not in love with her solo stuff. idk it just aint doing it for me yet I guess.
Seriously I listened to the album 5 times and I can't choose a favorite song, it's just flawless.
2013 delivered, and 2014 will start with a new BUMP OF CHICKEN album. Madness.
Apparently Sony doesn't want people outside of Japan to buy/hear/watch stuff by the artists they produce.
Don't get me wrong, I'd prefer more Midori any day of the week. I enjoy her solo stuff more when I try not to compare it to Midori.
Makes me wonder what Japanese services are like. Is spotify in Japan?
It doesn't work here unless you have the download from the western version (using a VPN or something), and Spotify doesn't have too much Japanese music from what I remember.
The audience participation was insane. I've never seen such an active audience in my life, and it was awesome. People were clapping furiously, throwing their fists up with the beat, shouting with certain lines, singing, dancing, headbanging in synchronization, and being generally awesome. I didn't think I'd see girls in school uniforms headbanging more hardcore than guys at Death Metal shows I've been to.
It doesn't work here unless you have the download from the western version (using a VPN or something), and Spotify doesn't have too much Japanese music from what I remember.
Level 3 already came out thoThe Album of the year is coming out in few days. Hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggg
LA GAF needs to step their game up.
Level 3 already came out tho
I saw him rap with Klooz, too. Yasso!
Level 3 is Perfume's album.Lucky him!
Too bad she went to LA, I am available here in UK!
I don't what is Level 3 and what it has done to you, but Tamurapan is here for the rescue in few days.