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Japanese Music (Pop, rock and all 'dat) |OT|


Dang, tricot's album, dang. I liked their singles but they've taken a step up.

Yeah おもてなし is pretty good, but it kinda feels out of place. I absolutely love 99.974ºC and おやすみ is also great, and sounds closer to T H E sound, but the new songs is where stuff really is. I love タラッタラッタ and 初耳 so much...


The new the telephones PV is something :lol

The latest Radwimps PV is also really nice.

Same goes for the latest The SALOVERS, new single tomorrow!

Also, I'm so hyped for the upcoming Arashi album, 8 days remaining... That's my guilty pleasure... haha
The singles have been so good, I hope the whole album will be as great. I think they keep on improving, their newest songs are way better than the old ones...
The lead track of the album is so addicting. Well we only have the short version so far but it's good enough.

Another album I'm really looking forward this month is KANA-BOON's first major album.
These guys are without a doubt some of my favorite amongst the new, young rock bands.
A lot of energy in their tracks, and they seem to have a lot fun during their live performances : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mowM0UwEEZE


Huh, CAPS LOCK is certainly interesting, not sure if I like it yet though. I'll have to listen to it a few more times. Poor Toshiko.


Listened to CAPS LOCK. It is certainly different.
It's not within the STEREO WORKXXX sound I wanted, but I liked it (Except for 12345678)
(And ti's just me or the more music capsule release the less lyrics there are on them?)
After my first listen, 12345678 is easily the best off the album.
It's pretty different. I think Nakata is using Toshiko as an instrument rather than doing the traditional method of having vocals over the music - pretty sure it'll get a split reaction of like and dislike from most people.
I really like what I'm hearing, but it's maybe not an album I can just pop in and enjoy, like LEVEL 3 is, it's more reflective, probably good for relaxing/studying.
ESC is worthless, I'd drop that and put something like Never Let Me Go from Stereo Worxxx in instead.
Could probably do with more vocals from Toshiko to make it feel less of an instrumental album, for example, RETURN would have been real nice with some of her melodic voice in there. Not sure why Nakata has gone minimalist with vocals, maybe we'll see more in the remixes?


Awesome stuff. Absolutely loved these guys when they supported Polysics the other day in London.
I'm so jealous, I couldn't go see them in Paris :(
Their live performances are always so dynamic, they're incredible.
A few people I know saw them, took pictures with the band... They were super nice apparently (they seem to be really cool and fun guys so I'm not surprised).


After my first listen, 12345678 is easily the best off the album.
It's pretty different. I think Nakata is using Toshiko as an instrument rather than doing the traditional method of having vocals over the music - pretty sure it'll get a split reaction of like and dislike from most people.
I really like what I'm hearing, but it's maybe not an album I can just pop in and enjoy, like LEVEL 3 is, it's more reflective, probably good for relaxing/studying.
ESC is worthless, I'd drop that and put something like Never Let Me Go from Stereo Worxxx in instead.
Could probably do with more vocals from Toshiko to make it feel less of an instrumental album, for example, RETURN would have been real nice with some of her melodic voice in there. Not sure why Nakata has gone minimalist with vocals, maybe we'll see more in the remixes?

Pretty much that. Capsule has basically been all Nakata composition wise and Toshiko is there for the vocal assist. It was never really a duo; Toshiko is Nataka's instrument as you put it yourself. It's just that people feel Capsule is at their best when they are doing more poppy vocals with Toshiko and that's fine but Nakata's gonna do him


After my first listen, 12345678 is easily the best off the album.
It's pretty different. I think Nakata is using Toshiko as an instrument rather than doing the traditional method of having vocals over the music - pretty sure it'll get a split reaction of like and dislike from most people.
I really like what I'm hearing, but it's maybe not an album I can just pop in and enjoy, like LEVEL 3 is, it's more reflective, probably good for relaxing/studying.
ESC is worthless, I'd drop that and put something like Never Let Me Go from Stereo Worxxx in instead.
Could probably do with more vocals from Toshiko to make it feel less of an instrumental album, for example, RETURN would have been real nice with some of her melodic voice in there. Not sure why Nakata has gone minimalist with vocals, maybe we'll see more in the remixes?

I agree. The problem I have with 12345678 is that the first half is awful. I HATE that fucking siren sound. After the 3 minutes mark (when Toshiko enters), it's a lot better. It would be awesome if not for the siren.


Haruka to Miyuki have a new single, and, instrumentally, it's pretty shoegazey.

I agree. The problem I have with 12345678 is that the first half is awful. I HATE that fucking siren sound. After the 3 minutes mark (when Toshiko enters), it's a lot better. It would be awesome if not for the siren.

That horn annoys the hell out of me; I agree. Great album, otherwise. That was the first track I listened to, so I was kinda worried.


Unconfirmed Member
Could probably do with more vocals from Toshiko to make it feel less of an instrumental album, for example, RETURN would have been real nice with some of her melodic voice in there. Not sure why Nakata has gone minimalist with vocals, maybe we'll see more in the remixes?
He's been morphing Perfume into Capsule, so it makes sense that he wants to stretch out and do something more removed from their standard electropop/house.
LOL CAPS LOCK leaked and I just found out. .-.
That explain the "loved the new capsule" posts...
It didn't leak. It was released officially through iTunes.


Immi is awesome, wish she'd release another album soon, doubt it though since she recently had a baby, and none of her sites have been updated in ages, hopefully she's not retired.


true but JPN and Triangle where $13ish...But i guess its better then paying $30+

edit: i realized that the link was to the Asian Itunes shop, the US shop has it for store, for $12.

I don't understand why music is this expensive in Japan. All the concerts I want to see for Indie bands are about ¥3500-¥4000. I'm already poor, so I can't afford all the music I want to purchase or the bands I want to see.



Talk's album Waltz for Freebee is a great listen



Some really beautiful songs on here
I've been listening to Immi a lot since I found her music.

If you like Perfume you might enjoy her as well. Although her songs are more darker and grittier than the Perfume songs, which is more my style. And there are times when she doesn't start singing until halfway through the song, or times when she doesn't appear at all.



Immi is amazing
proof; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_sr-_xIhLQ
She released a few demo tracks a while back but there's been no word on an album for a while, hopefully she returns before long
I don't understand why music is this expensive in Japan. All the concerts I want to see for Indie bands are about ¥3500-¥4000. I'm already poor, so I can't afford all the music I want to purchase or the bands I want to see.

I think that's how record labels get their money( i could be wrong),



Izumi Makura - My Room My Stage

Cannot believe how good this album is. This was released just this week, some artist I've never heard before.

This is rap by the way, not J-Pop, even though the cover is deceiving.

But it's balls-to-walls amazing, especially the production. Her rapping is decent、she talks about how work sucks and how school sucks, stuff that I don't care much for but the production is just beautiful, very smooth and sweet compositions. This is one of the best albums of 2013.

I think this just blows away that Lyrical School Tofubeats stuff.





I actually enjoyed that album too but neglected to recommend it. You guys should give it a try out. Tofubeats production so it's solid


Not a big fan of Tofubeats, way too synthpoppy for my tastes. I think Izumi's album has much better production from a variety of different hip-hop producers.


If this translation of 五月の蠅, on the new single of RADWIMPS, is accurate, well...
Noda is crazy :lol

I mean, stuff like that :
"Even if you were stabbed by an assailant, spilling your intestines, vomiting blood, and calling for help,
I would jump rope with those intestines while listening to my favorite song at full volume with my headphones on"

I said goddamn out loud.

The single is pretty amazing though, I'm sure the album will be fantastic.


I have to admit that Arashi's new album is one of my favorite albums of the year.

So good... *hides*
The album songs are all really catchy (well, Tears is the classic boring slow song so I don't really like it), the solo songs are all cool (especially Ohno's and Nino's) and of course the singles were excellent, Endless Game is just one of my favorite songs ever now.
Arashi at its finest. This and Perfume are all I need as far as J-Pop is concerned :lol


You guys know this band? They're amazing!
Unfortunately they disbanded few years ago T_T


I bet it's SFP.
*opens link*

I discovered them because of the anime [C]. Their music RPG was the opening song, and I loved it, so I decided to check them out.

Anyway, the singer is now on another ban (la la larks) and they sound really similar to SFP.
They only have two demos, but sounds amazing:
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