Been on a bit of a Japanese kick lately, it's been a while.
Stumbled on this band illion on Spotify and really loved the shit out of a few of their songs, in particular
BEEHIVE. Gorgeous music video, too! Listened to some of their stuff and it reminded me of when I used to listen to Altocolony no Teiri all the time in high school, so I decided to check what RADWIMPS had done since then. Listened to Zettai Zetsumei and loved it. I think
DADA is my favorite. Either that or
G Koui.
Hyperventilation (?) is an old favorite of mine.
toe is still really good, there's actually a chance I might see them live this summer. That'd be rad.
Goodbye is my favorite song of theirs, I haven't hear much of their new stuff though. Also they're on Spotify. Dope.
I don't really watch anime anymore. The most recent one I've seen was Attack on Titan and the best thing to come out of that was the amazing ending theme by Cinema Staff.
Great Escape is an awesome song.
Soil & Pimp Sessions is fucking amazing and my favorite song of theirs,
Crush, is my ringtone and alarm lol. Super recognizable style.
That old Persona 5 fan album introduced me to
this one MEG song. It's an awesome song, but I tried looking into some of her other stuff and it didn't sound similar at all. Way too bubbly.
In general I'm not a fan of the super upbeat bubbly pop stuff Japan puts out. I like Capsule, I don't like Perfume. I'm a much bigger fan of the sort of... grungier, electronic "dark pop" style as I like to call it.
Speaking of Capsule my favorite album of theirs is the one nobody seems to like much LOL. I really liked
oh and nujabes is incredible but that goes without saying really
I think that's it off the top of my head. There's definitely more but I can't remember right now. If you guys know any cool bands on Spotify let me know please, lol. They don't have to be on Spotify but that's a big bonus for me. Any suggestions are cool tho
edit -
oh I just remembered I really like
Teddyloid and
Hideki Naganuma too