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Japanese Music (Pop, rock and all 'dat) |OT|


ANGERME's single is a good example of what really pisses me off about the non-MoMusu groups in HP. You have a really great song like Taiki Bansei, and then their next song is this weird and wacky mess that has nothing in common with the former song. There's no consistency in their sound. Just like how C-ute will have a cool and powerful song then follow it up with poppy idol trash.


Maybe I just I miss SPEED :(

At least Pink Diamond is about to debut, and that 1 minute 12 seconds is more interesting than anything Fairies have ever done.


I need more Japanese New Wave in my life. I love Lillies and Remains, Brixton Academy, some of The Flickers stuff, etc. As much as I love Togawa Jun, I'm not too into Yapoos.
Also, nobody needs to recommend YMO. I'm well aware :p
Edit: I suppose I'm looking for current New Wave bands, so not old stuff by L'Arc~en~Ciel, Spitz, Buck-Tick, Beat Crusaders, the telephones, Supercar, etc.
Also, not a big fan of Polysics.

Just to let you know you are still awesome! New Wave rocks!

I would recommend:

Orland: (Their videos may look like their from the 70s but they are modern band)

Yoru no Honki Dance:

Ykiki Beat

Homecomings: (More Surf-pop than New Wave, but the influence is there)


She Her Her Hers (although most of their later tracks are fairly rubbish, you can get something good out of them, especially since their debut album is absolutely amazing)

Also, maybe I told earlier but have you looked into The Brixton Academy's band members new band, Nile Long, I wish they were out on Itunes so I could buy it :(

Nile Long

Hope that helps!

Neko is a really funny song dedicated to the vocalist's cat. Just that idea is enough to make me love it :lol
Definitely their best album imo

Well, I can't speak Japanese so I'll judge by the quality of the song not the idea behind it. I really do think this new album is a massive step down specially in their sonic experimentation, tracks such as Bohoo, Radio and World.Words.Lights. Seems very dull in comparison. I am still enjoying it though.


Quite digging HAPPY's latest song, R.A.D.I.O
Kinda wish they'd sing in Japanese, it would make their songs feel more, well, Japanese :lol, but I guess they're like Ykiki Beat who are more influenced by Western acts and revendicate this. More power to them, still a great song!
They'll release a new EP in May, they say it's their last indie EP, so I assume they'll be going major after that? Would be neat. I could see Victor or maybe Universal being interested in them.


So..Mariko Goto said on the livestream she just did that she’s done with music. All her upcoming concerts are cancelled too. She said she would probably never be on a stage again.

She also deleted all her tweets and now there’s just this left:


"Thanks for everything
I love you
See you later”

Kinda ominous..

edit: on natalie now

The fuck's up with Fridays this month? (Pink Tokarev last Friday)


She says"I'm thinking I should quit music." and "I don't think I'll be on stage again." but then, when commenters ask "Are you quitting permanently?" she replied, 「休止やね」 "A break."

So, I don't think she'll be gone forever. Still, craziness.


My friend said that although Mariko said "hiatus/break," it's often doublespeak for quitting/breaking up for musicians in Japan. Hmm... I guess we'll just have to see.

Just to let you know you are still awesome! New Wave rocks!

I would recommend:

Orland: (Their videos may look like their from the 70s but they are modern band)

Yoru no Honki Dance:

Ykiki Beat

Homecomings: (More Surf-pop than New Wave, but the influence is there)


She Her Her Hers (although most of their later tracks are fairly rubbish, you can get something good out of them, especially since their debut album is absolutely amazing)

Also, maybe I told earlier but have you looked into The Brixton Academy's band members new band, Nile Long, I wish they were out on Itunes so I could buy it :(

Nile Long

Hope that helps!

Well, I can't speak Japanese so I'll judge by the quality of the song not the idea behind it. I really do think this new album is a massive step down specially in their sonic experimentation, tracks such as Bohoo, Radio and World.Words.Lights. Seems very dull in comparison. I am still enjoying it though.
<3 I was gonna pm you, because I never see you post here, anymore! I like seeing the songs/bands you've recently found!
Quite digging HAPPY's latest song, R.A.D.I.O
Kinda wish they'd sing in Japanese, it would make their songs feel more, well, Japanese :lol, but I guess they're like Ykiki Beat who are more influenced by Western acts and revendicate this. More power to them, still a great song!
They'll release a new EP in May, they say it's their last indie EP, so I assume they'll be going major after that? Would be neat. I could see Victor or maybe Universal being interested in them.
When I hung out with those guys, they all seemed pretty into American culture, so I'm not surprised they don't really sing in Japanese.
They're also really into
smoking weed
—unsurprisingly. hahaha


@AlabastreAizo Only a bit, unfortunately. I mainly use Google translate.

I couldn't get on Natalie before, good to see it's just a hiatus.

Edit: Just saw your latest post. :/


New Kidori Kidori, sick song!
I like that they're singing in Japanese, they usually sing in English but they said they wanted the Japanese audience to understand their songs. Keep it up guys! I like this mentality!

I think the fact that keep changing their name from being in English and in Japanese confuses the hell out of me.

I think they go by Kidori Kidori rather than &#12461;&#12489;&#12522;&#12461;&#12489;&#12522;... maybe.

<3 I was gonna pm you, because I never see you post here, anymore! I like seeing the songs/bands you've recently found!

When I hung out with those guys, they all seemed pretty into American culture, so I'm not surprised they don't really sing in Japanese.
They're also really into
smoking weed
&#8212;unsurprisingly. hahaha
The weed explains a lot about them, they are certainly an odd bunch.


I think the fact that keep changing their name from being in English and in Japanese confuses the hell out of me.

I think they go by Kidori Kidori rather than &#12461;&#12489;&#12522;&#12461;&#12489;&#12522;... maybe.
Well, they only released like 2 CDs using the name &#12461;&#12489;&#12522;&#12461;&#12489;&#12522;, they've been using Kidori Kidori for a while now.


Found this group after youtube randomly played a video following one of Fardimon's recs. I guess that new feature is a blessing in disguise. Anybody know "ar"?
ar - Akasaka Nice Day
I've had an Akasaka nice night before—Evilore and Desmond were there.


Well, they only released like 2 CDs using the name &#12461;&#12489;&#12522;&#12461;&#12489;&#12522;, they've been using Kidori Kidori for a while now.

Apparently they have been using Kidori Kidori for two mini album while they used &#12461;&#12489;&#12522;&#12461;&#12489;&#12522; for 2 full LPs.


Wait, I remember where I've heard Orland before. I fell in love with the song Because of You for a while!

Yeah, that song is such a jam. I wish their materiel was compiled into a mixtape (or an LP) because they have so many songs that are dispersed.

Also, another band I have discovered recently and I have started becoming addicted to them is Awesome City Club, they are new band but have been releasing demos on Soundcloud. Thier first album is out in April. I think its exactly what you are looking for as well.


Can't wait for their album now!


Is your CD collection organized, Kurita? Can we see it? I mostly buy digital. I only bought like 5 CDs when I was living in Japan last year. I just can't move all this stuff around all the time.


Yeah, that song is such a jam. I wish their materiel was compiled into a mixtape (or an LP) because they have so many songs that are dispersed.

Also, another band I have discovered recently and I have started becoming addicted to them is Awesome City Club, they are new band but have been releasing demos on Soundcloud. Thier first album is out in April. I think its exactly what you are looking for as well.


Can't wait for their album now!

Yeah I'm also looking forward to it, Victor have been knocking it out of the park recently, lots of great bands joined them.

Is your CD collection organized, Kurita? Can we see it? I mostly buy digital. I only bought like 5 CDs when I was living in Japan last year. I just can't move all this stuff around all the time.

Not really, there are just piles of CDs, magazines and live DVD/Blu-rays :lol I mostly buy digital too anyway.

Not a huge collection, around 150 CDs, 40 lives, and 20 magazines


Her last blog post from January is pretty worrying. She put "I don't want to be hated" 14 times in a row. And she's been cutting herself for a while.

She says"I'm thinking I should quit music." and "I don't think I'll be on stage again." but then, when commenters ask "Are you quitting permanently?" she replied, &#12300;&#20241;&#27490;&#12420;&#12397;&#12301; "A break."

So, I don't think she'll be gone forever. Still, craziness.

I was watching the livestream live and it was pretty scary at the end how she was saying it would all be over when pushed the button (to end the stream).
It's probably bad to speculate too much, but it was definitely a very uncomfortable atmosphere.


Great, Scenarioart will release their first full album, Happy Umbrella on June 3rd!

[Alexandros]'s latest artist picture basically confirms that I want the vocalist's babies. Second from the right. Hnnnnnnngh,
Really looking forward to their upcoming single. I kinda wish they stopped releasing so many Double A-Sides because when an album comes out, well, half of the songs were on the singles.
Oh well.
It will basically be them thanking fans for renewing their fan-club membership, also something about valentines day (they've asked couples to send in their photos?). The main thing people are hoping for is a single announcement.


Otsuka Ai's Planetarium just started playing randomly on iTunes. Oh man, the nostalgia :0 brb, going to listen to my all my favorite ballads from her.

EDIT: This song is 10 years old. I'm ancient confirmed.


In fairness, that's pretty indicative of Japanese releases, in general.
Maybe in pop but not really in rock. Most bands I listen to usually release like 1 or 2 singles (not even double a-sides) and that's it so that's why this particular band kinda stands out.
someone translated part of Goto's blog post. it's brutal.

I’m knocked out cold
People who came after me are selling out shows at Zepp and Blitz, and I’m being left behind
While I do feel happy for them
And I enjoy the friendly competition, and root for them
I naturally also feel really jealous and frustrated
But I’ve tried my best to not let those negative feelings show
And to not feel them at all, or my heart would turn black
I’d feel pathetic for showing such emotions openly
I don’t want anyone to feel pity for me
Because that would mean I am a weak person, in my mind
(Black already, right?)

But I can’t hide my frustration any longer

The Blitz solo concert on Jan 23rd is a flop
And probably the Osaka show on the 9th too.

Rather than worrying about the size of the audience, how about just putting on a good show!? Well, that’s just pretty words
Of course I want to put on a good show

I thought I’d take whatever comes, no matter the result
As long as I keep my cool and keep laughing and believing, I’ll be fine, or so I thought

But it’s not fine at all

For the first time in a long while
I felt like dying

Thinking too much? I don’t think so

“It’s the same crowd every time, no fresh faces”
A person who often comes to my shows told me after a concert in December
(Maybe a different nuance to it, I was a bit too worked up…)

“Shut up, don’t fuck with me”, I thought
But they were right, in a way
Little by little, my audiences are getting bigger, but it’s just that, “little by little”
(I was worried)
(Even though I do so many shows… Why? Is something wrong with my shows? Ahh, why, I kept thinking… But that’s just arrogance, right? And impatience. But I AM impatient! And frustrated. Of course I’ll start thinking if I can’t see any noticeable results
The other day I was thinking, if only we had kept going with the band, then maybe now we’d be… But that’s too fucking stupid.
I wanted someone to praise me
There were times when I wanted praise, and I had no idea why, for what reason, I kept playing. Times when I became someone who didn’t need myself)

I’m of course always happy to meet my regulars at the goods stand after the shows
(Strangers telling me they love me, and those strangers gradually becoming familiar faces - it’s an interesting feeling, and I love the act of it)
But the flipside is “that won’t get the word out wide”
Seriously, don’t fuck with me
I thought, but I took those words to heart and had no idea what to do

Is it wrong to go meet everyone after a show?
(I want to talk to the fans who took the trouble to come, and hear their thoughts on my show, and even though I only meet them at my shows, is the border getting blurred?
What border am I even talking about? Distance? It’s fucking difficult)

I had no idea whatsoever what to do


Maybe in pop but not really in rock. Most bands I listen to usually release like 1 or 2 singles (not even double a-sides) and that's it so that's why this particular band kinda stands out.

Well, my inclination (at least in Japan) is typically towards pop music, so that makes sense.


CDJapan dispatched my CAPSULE Wave Runner [Limited Edition] order. Two days ahead of its street date, two days off the 2 week air-mail transit, I take it.

Can't wait to Feel Again.
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