Finally finished it. I kinda expected this but yeah very overrated due to all the positive people buying it just to spite the trashy peoply. Story was ok at best, decent start, decent ending but middle part was boring as hell and the only redeemable storyu was the Sebastian one and thats a side quest lol. Gameplay was very mixed as well, combat is nice, I liked pulling combos and stuff, can get really crazy later in the game but thats about all the good. It has the same generic garbage open world shit I did not expected to find such as doing a million merlin shits, collect shit, pop ballons shit, solve brain dead math puzzles a million times shit, etc. Just dreadful all around. Atmosphere is great but again as expected it was kinda half-assed, hogwarts is nice and has a ton of details and I loved all the random encounters but the problem is you are not impacted by them, its just some passive stuff u notice, unlike in RDR2 for example. At night students vanish into thin air, no one is in the dorms sleeping and a lot of incomplete attemps at making a good atmosphere. I just never felt in awe exploring hogwarts as I expected to be. Felt very VERY gamey and repetitive. Same for surrounding areas that are just fucking dead. Also all you fight in the game are spider trolls and goblins 90% of the time. The world of HP has so many incredible beasts and stuff but thats all they could throw at you nonstop. Performance for a next-gen game only and visuals was not that great either. SSR was hugely nerfed to make RT reflections shine which also cause a ton of issues and frame drops. I could go on but overall my experience was almost ok.