Microsoft's box was an abomination when it came to gaming in my eyes, especially with their original policies. I'm not getting a One period, but when I see something Sony does that stinks, I'm not going to give them the okey doke.
They didn't do anything bad though. It's like your trying to justify a reason to be mad as if someone promised you something. Give me a link that confirmed anything about the PS4 OS system before this?
Oh right, there is none because it was never confirmed.
You listened to all the Mr. Knowitalls and since they've beaten you down so much and you believed it, now you want to make it seem like it's sony's fault for them making up stuff. Seriously, I hope you were this mad at all the flip flopping MS was never straight forward about either because IMO that is something to be more mad about than an unconfirmed rumor.
Seriously. MS went from
Not always on -to- Always on -
TO- Not always on
Doesn't blocked used games -to- Does blocked used games to a limit -
TO- Doesn't block used games
Family share plan -to- No family share plan -
TO- Family share (maybe) but not the way it originally sounded
No DRM -to- DRM -
No self publishing indies -to- Self publishing indies ....The only un-flip flop thing.
Sony on the other hand
Not always on -to- Not always on
Doesn't block used games (even when rumored to have it) -to- Doesn't block used games
No DRM -to- No DRM
Self Publishing Indies -to- Self publishing indies
Sony never had to refute any claims. They have all been confirmed and said straight forward. This is a whole different situation as, they haven't even talked about it at all. They didn't even hint on it either.