Yo, Cutty, what's that straight fire underneath about holding a PVC/broomstick to your tail bone?
I've been using a curtain rod but actually, I could probably just use one of the foam rollers now that I think of it....
It's the exercise my Physical Therapist prescribed for me to do to get back to health. You need something to touch the back of your head, the traps area between your shoulder blades, and have it touch your tailbone. Has to touch all three points. It feels so damn uncomfortable and awkward imo. Feels like it restricts my ROM even more than it is already compromised at the moment. It's not fun but I've been doing it every other day
Been doing the PT exercises in addition to trying to fix my postural issues that I think caused the injury to my left elbow region. Still not sure if it's nerve, tendon, or muscle entirely but I actually think it might be nerve related for the most part. I might call to get it checked out tmrw to know for sure
Goals are just to keep working towards more reps and sets that I can do comfortably. I'm about to start doing more back exercises to help with the posture so I think that will be helping a ton. This is the routine I've been doing every other day essentially to try to make sure I can reach high level of activity soon (shooting for three to four months)
-Dead Bugs (beginner level core exercise) 3/12 reps
-3 Point Squats 3/10
-Walking few blocks then stretching legs afterwards (all muscle groups in legs)
-Dorsiflexion / ankle mobility stretch for 45 seconds
-Hip Thrust activation (push through entire foot not just heels) 3/12
-Multifidis quadriped lifts (one knee elevated on towel and raise other knee level to knee on towel) 3/12
-Stretch chest on bench or door
-Traps stretch after 2/12 shrugs bodyweight only
-W's on the ground with Superman Holds 3/12
-Diaphragmatic breathing 30 breaths 5 sets
Going to add next workout:
Face Pulls 2/15
Band pull aparts (external rotation) 20 sets of one perfect rep performed
Reintroduce Lat Pulldowns with Resistance band 3/6 see how it feels next day
Reintroduce Rows with Resistance band 3/6 see how it feels following day
Neck exercises all direction + deep neck flexion
Calf raises: 3/6 reps will probably do the dorsiflextion stretch after this exercise since greater blood flow will be in area
Myofascial release to back area w/ foam roller + lacross ball, hamstrings w/ lacross ball very lightly, calves
1 Ulnar nerve rehab exercise
And will see how it all goes. Don't want to do too much, I've been down this road before. Trying to keep it within pain threshold and build back safely
Would be so much easier to get back to health if China hadn't fucked the planet. Gym was like my own PT environment, every day if I needed it, Access to sauna, jacuzzi, pool, shower would do cold shower and then go back to jacuzzi for several sets (contrast therapy hot then cold), all the various equipment. It was all an immense help. And now it's not an option. And when it does become an option, there's no guarantee people aren't going to be battling for their health/lives against the disease of a lifetime if/when they come down with the Covid-19 disease. Sauna benefits are huge, Pool therapy exercises and just swimming i=or even walking in the pool is an amazing workout for anyone. You can adjust it to your fitness level and get the workouts of a lifetime fairly safely, And although I haven't tried it yet, I wanted to do the contrast therapy with something as high temperature of a hot tub and then go to the cold shower for 7 sets just as Kobe Bryant would do after his daily routines. I've only done two sets back to back in the shower recently
That's what I've been up to. It's boring as fuck. But it's necessary so fuck it. Doing it anyway