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Final Fantasy VII Remake |OT| - The Reunion is coming


finished last week, i thought it was great - with the exception of
chapter 17
. that dragged on for wayyyy to long

I think that the game it has been stretched too far in some ways.
Even forcing the player to walk slowly, even in very long corridors just for the cinematic impact.
At the point to becoming tedious.
Getting to the point you can literally predict when the next cutscenes will start.

Furthermore, the poverty of originality in secondary activities in this game, such as copying and pasting the battles of the coliseum and virtual simulators of the Shinra, were also rather disappointing, unfortunately.


I think that the game it has been stretched too far in some ways.
Even forcing the player to walk slowly, even in very long corridors just for the cinematic impact.
At the point to becoming tedious.
Getting to the point you can literally predict when the next cutscenes will start.

Furthermore, the poverty of originality in secondary activities in this game, such as copying and pasting the battles of the coliseum and virtual simulators of the Shinra, were also rather disappointing, unfortunately.
This has been a problem with Square games for over a decade. let's hope they can get back to their Squaresoft days in the next generation.
I think that the game it has been stretched too far in some ways.
Even forcing the player to walk slowly, even in very long corridors just for the cinematic impact.
At the point to becoming tedious.
Getting to the point you can literally predict when the next cutscenes will start.

Furthermore, the poverty of originality in secondary activities in this game, such as copying and pasting the battles of the coliseum and virtual simulators of the Shinra, were also rather disappointing, unfortunately.
Ya this is the main issue I had with the game. I finished it in about 40 or so hours and felt that about half of it was padding.

Having said that, the highs were really high (mostly the intro, wall market and the shinra hq) and the lows weren't THAT low, just a little too prevalent. I'm hoping SE trims the fat a bit more with the next episode and expands upon the things they nailed.

After having thought about it for a while I still don't like the ending. It seems like a cop out to me but I'm looking forward to see where they go with it.


Ya this is the main issue I had with the game. I finished it in about 40 or so hours and felt that about half of it was padding.

Having said that, the highs were really high (mostly the intro, wall market and the shinra hq) and the lows weren't THAT low, just a little too prevalent. I'm hoping SE trims the fat a bit more with the next episode and expands upon the things they nailed.

After having thought about it for a while I still don't like the ending. It seems like a cop out to me but I'm looking forward to see where they go with it.
I don't mind the ending i'm just not confident the current SE will manage to pull this one off, they are going insane on Norse mythology, gotterdammerung, ragnarok and world cycles, but if they manage, it will be insane.


This ain't the 90's Nojima though, so i'm scared.


The nicest person on this forum
I finally finished the game and WOW!!! I never thought they go this route, I can understand some people will not like this but I LOVE this.
Same thing happened in Drakengard 3, that game started out as prequel to original Drakengard but Accord intervened to changing entire timeline and now same thing happened in here.

I'm really excited what they go from here.
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On the ending: will future instalments veer away from the original Final Fantasy VII’s story?

Kitase: I am not able to tell you the answer to that now. I understand that there is a lot of speculation among the fans; that is what we wanted and we’ve really enjoyed seeing these theories and guesses of what the ending means. We wanted the fans to keep the discussion going on social media and keep their excitement high as we head towards the next game.

What did you hope to achieve by expanding the city of Midgar for the remake?

Kitase: When we began working on the Remake project, I went back to the original game and played it again, and the sections of Midgar were far shorter than I remembered from memory. I did feel that the Shinra company executives and the Turks who will appear again in later parts of the story needed to be portrayed in greater detail, the same way as the three members of Avalanche.

Our vision was to dive much deeper into the world and its characters than ever before. In doing this we have expanded upon the eclectic city of Midgar, building upon the structure of the city, and showing the lives of the residents in greater detail ... I loved being able to show the city of Midgar and its unique structure in full 3D. The technical limits of the original game fixed the camera to a top-down view, but in the remake you can move through it like never before. The sense of immense weight and oppression that you get when looking up from the slums really allows you to experience the feeling that the slum-dwellers get from living there first-hand.

Were there any new ideas for Midgar that you tried, but eventually rejected?

Hamaguchi: Final Fantasy VII Remake contains many mini-games that pay homage to the original, and there was one that I really wanted to include, but ultimately I was not able to do so. Fans might remember the basketball shooting mini-game in the Gold Saucer, but we also put a basketball hoop in the park that you find on the way to Jesse’s family home in the slums, and I wanted to make it playable there, too. However, we felt that the noise of rebounding basketballs really did not work with the atmosphere at that point in the story, when the team were moving covertly in the dead of night, so we removed it. We still wanted to leave a little homage in there though, so we left an abandoned basketball.

There has been much speculation about the significance of Cloud’s visions of Sephiroth. What can you say about their relationship?

Kitase: In the original game, Sephiroth did not make an appearance in the section of the story told here, but we changed it to have him appear from the start, in order to position him playing an important role over the whole of the Remake project. Sephiroth plays a major part in the ongoing story of the next game, so I am unable to reveal any more information about him here. However, seeing this kind of lively debate between fans on social media gives us huge motivation for the next instalment.

What was your approach to remaking the game’s iconic cutscenes?

Hamaguchi: There were various hardware limitations on the original Final Fantasy VII, meaning that the way the characters expressed themselves had to be stylised and overexaggerated in order to communicate their emotions. With the remake there is naturally a voice-over for the dialogue, and we are able to portray characters’ emotions in a more realistic manner, allowing us to communicate without resorting to dialogue.

[But] portraying character emotions through cutscenes is already done in film, and the biggest new challenge that we took on with Final Fantasy VII Remake was to foreshadow and frame the protagonists’ emotional states through the gameplay experience as well. For example, the depiction of the devastation in Sector 8 after the Mako Reactor 1 bombing mission was important in conveying the internal strife that the characters were experiencing towards their actions, and all the dialogue spoken by NPCs [non-player characters] in that section served to create the right atmosphere for later story developments.

How has the Covid-19 pandemic affected the game’s release and ongoing development?

Kitase: I am pained and saddened to see so many people around the world suffering with the virus and even losing their lives. When we set the release date for the game, nobody could have predicted a global pandemic like this, and the release of the game happening during this unprecedented situation has blindsided us.

At this current time, the team are still making the next game via remote working. Our performance will temporarily drop below 100% efficiency because of this, but I do not think there should be a big impact in the long term. I sincerely hope that Final Fantasy VII Remake can provide those who are forced to endure the stress of living under lockdown a moment of relief and enjoyment in these trying times.


Just finished the game, liked it a lot but not really happy about the ending. I absolutely hate the whispers , formless things with no personality to be one of the final bosses? booring

I'm in for the ride though, the battle system is very cool, they nailed the characters and I'm excited to see new areas that are not slums, sewers and modern buildings. Hopefully they don't go too crazy with the changes to the story.

There was a complaint here, it's gone now.
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Just finished the game, liked it a lot but not really happy about the ending. I absolutely hate the whispers , formless things with no personality to be one of the final bosses? booring

I'm in for the ride though, the battle system is very cool, they nailed the characters and I'm excited to see new areas that are not slums, sewers and modern buildings. Hopefully they don't go too crazy with the changes to the story.

FFXIV is better
I can't get into MMO's anymore.
I heard good things about shadowbringers though.

There's a new interview.

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Man. I can not get enough of this game. It just does not go out of my head.
Played it on normal and hard, defeated all the bosses, maxed everything out. Got 92 hours on the clock. Last single player game I played for that long was The witcher 3.
Watched the full lets play from max, watched nyxipuff's reactions, watched a speedrun and honestly I still want to revisit this world, so maybe I'm just gonna watch death unites us's lets play as well.
I can not remember when a games has enthralled me this much.
The gameplay doesnt get boring, the graphics are amazing, the music is among the best this industry has every brought to the table, the story is better than it has ever been, the voice acting is just phenomenal, hard mode is really cool. There are a few hick ups here and there with the pacing, the textures bug is a pitty but other then that its as close to a perfect game as I'll ever get. Feeling like a little child. Especially after so many other games have left me kinda cold, this has been a breeze of fresh air.
It felt like an actual adventure with interesting people and I went through sooo many emotions. Like when was the last time I felt anything with a game o_O. This made me laugh and cry and angry and anxious, but also happy and left me interested and at the edge of my seat.

Sorry I cant be objective about this game. It gave me back some of my youthful bliss and I dont wanne let go. This game is pure comfort.
Cant wait for the next game, but I hope they take all the time they need.


I don't even want to fucking read that linked thread, just looking at the mountain of text is a testament to how they made the plot even more unnecessarily convoluted in the dumbest way possible.


I don't even want to fucking read that linked thread, just looking at the mountain of text is a testament to how they made the plot even more unnecessarily convoluted in the dumbest way possible.
SMT and Nier is convoluted as hell and i love it, it's just a matter of how you execute.
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Claus Grimhildyr

Vincit qui se vincit
I don't even want to fucking read that linked thread, just looking at the mountain of text is a testament to how they made the plot even more unnecessarily convoluted in the dumbest way possible.

What are you talking about? The plot is simple. Big bad anti-environment corporation must be stopped, but
the creatures of fate keep you locked in place, following a strict and linear path that opens up with new possibilities once you defeat them.
. It is only complicated if you make it complicated.


What are you talking about? The plot is simple. Big bad anti-environment corporation must be stopped, but
the creatures of fate keep you locked in place, following a strict and linear path that opens up with new possibilities once you defeat them.
. It is only complicated if you make it complicated.

In the wake of the ending there were literally pages and pages of people who didn't understand the ending and thought it over-complicated the game's relatively simply plot at this point in the original.
People are literally talking about there being 3 fucking Sephiroths, and on top of all the new information the Ultimania adds, and Zack being alive

No one is "making" it complicated outside of the writers themselves, that's a ridiculous assertion. It makes an already convoluted story even more so.
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In the wake of the ending there were literally pages and pages of people who didn't understand the ending and thought it over-complicated the game's relatively simply plot at this point in the original.
People are literally talking about there being 3 fucking Sephiroths, and on top of all the new information the Ultimania adds, and Zack being alive

No one is "making" it complicated outside of the writers themselves, that's a ridiculous assertion. It makes an already convoluted story even more so.
It's still the first game, any deep story if you only read 20% of it will feel complicated and convoluted, give the writers a chance.


Loved this game, platinum and now waiting for the next gen buff its probably going to get, you could tell even though the game was beautiful it was clearly downgraded for this gen, next gen should sort that out! Hopefully comes to Xbox


I don't even want to fucking read that linked thread, just looking at the mountain of text is a testament to how they made the plot even more unnecessarily convoluted in the dumbest way possible.

Right now it seems convoluted because there are so many different theories out there and everyone is mixing and matching. In the end only one will be canon and after that is clear, it wont be as hard to understand. Obviously they had to leave a lot of thing ambiguous because they want people to keep guessing until the next game.

I always thought the original was everything but a simple story. There is a lot going on and a lot of vital information is completely optional and many players might never see it (Zacks story, Professor Gast and Aerith's mom, Sephiroths mother and Vincents relation to her, Yuffies whole backstory, some info about the ancients and the weapons, etc.). there are 45 minute long summaries of the story on youtube that make your head spin. God knows how many pages those scripts are. I wouldnt call that easy to understand. But, and thats the important take away, many people perceived it to be a simple story, because for most it was a story about cloud and his party. While all the complicated story stuff was going on in the background, most players could focus on the characters and their stories. And I think the remake still does that. You can completely enjoy the ride with those great characters and kinda look over the plot ghosts until the last chapter. Even then, just enjoy the boss fights and wait till the next part to make everything maybe make some amount of sense.

I personally dont understand it when people say, just because you dont get it within the first watching, it automatically is bullshit. I mean my limited mental capacity of understanding it doesnt make it bad. Because I certainly didnt understand everything and I still dont, but looking at all the themes and theories going on makes me so much more engaged with this world. Its crazy how much people can read into all the subtle details. A lot of it is simply lost to us westerners because of cultural differences and language barriers. There is lot of of references to Japanese history and culture. Also sephiroth uses different phrasings in japanese that are hard to translate into other languages, so the fact that there are different seph's kinda gets lost, even though its much more obvious in japanese.

Of course its ok not to like that kind of story telling, its just that I and it seems a lot of people really like it and hopefully you can understand that in some way.


It's really not that convoluted, not anymore so than the original FF7. A lot of what we got in FF7 remake is just reusing shit we got from the original in a different form. Multiple Sephiroths showing up? That was already a thing. The only thing that's really new at all is the potential timeline shenanigans and whispers but everything else should be old hat if you're a fan.


Rodent Whores
It's really not that convoluted, not anymore so than the original FF7. A lot of what we got in FF7 remake is just reusing shit we got from the original in a different form. Multiple Sephiroths showing up? That was already a thing. The only thing that's really new at all is the potential timeline shenanigans and whispers but everything else should be old hat if you're a fan.
Yup. 95% is the same stuff, just repackaged in a slightly different way to make things fresh and interesting.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
The game isn't really that convoluted, if you compare it with something like Kingdom Hearts

Claus Grimhildyr

Vincit qui se vincit
In the wake of the ending there were literally pages and pages of people who didn't understand the ending and thought it over-complicated the game's relatively simply plot at this point in the original.
People are literally talking about there being 3 fucking Sephiroths, and on top of all the new information the Ultimania adds, and Zack being alive

No one is "making" it complicated outside of the writers themselves, that's a ridiculous assertion. It makes an already convoluted story even more so.

Multiple Sephiroths has always been a thing. Just because there are "pages and pages" of people who didn't understand the ending doesn't really mean much.

The only one "making" it complicated are folks like you.


Multiple Sephiroths has always been a thing.

So let's just throw some more in, I guess.

Yeah multiple Sephiroths existed before, which is why we don't need any more in the mix.

The only one "making" it complicated are folks like you.

New timelines, characters having cryptic knowledge, visions of the future, previously non existent story concepts, time janitors, dead characters coming back to life?

Yeah, I'm the one who made it complicated.
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Rodent Whores
So let's just throw some more in, I guess.
It doesn't seem any more than before, as it currently stands.

New timelines, characters having cryptic knowledge, visions of the future, previously non existent story concepts, time janitors, dead characters coming back to life?
Yeah, I'm the one who made it complicated.
It's really not that different. Only until it becomes different. But we don't know that yet. Either way, it was fun and enjoyable,


I've been slowly taking my time through this game and finally finished the first playthrough last night.
Really, really enjoyed the game mechanics but god damn did a lot of the content seem like padding.

The amount of boss fights and phases to boss fights at the end (talking Chapter 14 and beyond) was just tedious to me.

Definitely will go back and level up my materia and go through the combat simulator stuff again.

Cool plot line stuff...not too hard to follow but had to reread stuff on the original plot to refresh myself.


Isnt that the version already on the current album?

It's not about the version, it's about the real orchestral powah. The album unleashes the real and genuine orchestral powah.
Using digital samples and orchestral libraries on Steinberg CUBASE is one thing (for music production), but the real orchestral powah is a force to be reckoned with.

"The FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE Orchestral Arrangement Album will be available in anticipation to the FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE Orchestra World Tour!

Enjoy the magnificent world of FFVII REMAKE under the direction of Arnie Roth, producer and conductor of the Distant Worlds: music from FINAL FANTASY concert series."


It's not about the version, it's about the real orchestral powah. The album unleashes the real and genuine orchestral powah.
Using digital samples and orchestral libraries on Steinberg CUBASE is one thing (for music production), but the real orchestral powah is a force to be reckoned with.

"The FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE Orchestral Arrangement Album will be available in anticipation to the FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE Orchestra World Tour!

Enjoy the magnificent world of FFVII REMAKE under the direction of Arnie Roth, producer and conductor of the Distant Worlds: music from FINAL FANTASY concert series."

Holy shit they have a world tour. Wow cool. Now I am looking to get ticket for that :D. Thanks man!


°Temp. member
I just bought this game today and have already played it for 9 hours. I think this is definitely going to be my game of the year. Very glad that this is the first game I'm playing on my new PS5 (besides Astro's Playroom).
I'm just reminded why FF7 has always been my favorite Final Fantasy game and the remake has lived up to my expectations so far. The awesome characters, the story, the music, the graphics, the gameplay, the locations, etc...
So good


Apparently one of those ReeesetEra insiders has been saying a full PS5 version is in the works, which you'll have to pay for. Probably why the PS4 version only has improved load times when playing on PS5. I just hope that if they're making us pay for it again, that it's worth it. Part of the rumor was that they'll also be adding cut content like a section where you play as Tifa leading up to her Don Corneo infiltration. If they do add more stuff, hopefully it's good and feels necessary, and hopefully they also fix the bad textures and just generally improve the visuals to make things even more sexy.

I just bought this game today and have already played it for 9 hours. I think this is definitely going to be my game of the year. Very glad that this is the first game I'm playing on my new PS5 (besides Astro's Playroom).
I'm just reminded why FF7 has always been my favorite Final Fantasy game and the remake has lived up to my expectations so far. The awesome characters, the story, the music, the graphics, the gameplay, the locations, etc...
So good

Yeah, I mentioned in another thread that I would give this game an 8.something rating and that this isn't quite an elite Final Fantasy, but I'm now almost done with a second playthrough via the New Game+, and I'm enjoying the game even more the second time. I think this is more like a 9/10 and I would put it in the upper echelon of my FF rankings. Like you said, in all the general categories that make up a Final Fantasy, this game really nails it across the board. There are flaws like the poor textures here and there, a couple unnecessary sections, and some invisible walls feeling forced on occasion (which is why I wouldn't give this a 10/10), but in general this game really does nail it.

  • A great setting with locations/backdrops that leave you in wonder
  • A cool, likeable cast of characters
  • An elite soundtrack
  • Slick-as-fuck combat that combines the flair of Advent Children with the turn-based tactics of classic Final Fantasy
  • Epic set pieces and bosses that get you pumped up
  • And of course an engaging story, which personally I think is made more interesting with the new direction this series is taking with the approach of having the alternate timeline that still exists within the overall universe, which allows for new freedom while still feeling part of the official story

Obviously if you're someone who really needs their RPGs to be open-world, then I can see you being more disappointed, but I think there's an upside to a linear, focused adventure like this. Especially since this game gives you explorable towns and a bunch more branching paths and things to discover throughout the "dungeons" than something like FF13.

If you know me, you know I'm a huge FFX fanboy, and this is really the first game to feel like a well-done follow-up to FFX (along with obviously being a nice follow-up to FF7, which is my second favorite FF), so I'm really happy with this game. And I'm sure the sequels will only get better.


The thing I would like to expand on, a lot, is the upper plates of Midgar.
I fot a bit tired of the slums and the poor neighborhoods. They where not cyberpunk enough either.

GOTY for me. I can't wait for the PS5 patch. It is also hard to forgivethat there is no info on it, fur such a great recent and exclusive game. It is a crime we don't have the patch or even a date
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