I've said since a month after Destiny came out that Destiny should have a ranked playlist or two. However, as much as I would like that personally as a hardcore player (as would many others), Destiny has always been a game where the skill required to do the hardest things isn't super high.
I've come to accept there is a good reason for that. Destiny is just not a game that is designed to let hyper skillful players stand apart from the dedicated player base, and even though I don't really like that, I have come to terms with it. The reality is that a ton of players fall into the category of "dedicated," as in hundreds or thousands of hours played, but simply will never be as good as the ones who constantly try to push their skill levels to the limits. For most people, I would suspect that enjoying themselves trumps investing the thousands of hours that are necessary to be the best pvp player. Bungie's design philosophy creates an environment where dedicated players feel that they have done and seen it all, and they don't want to foster a community where those hyper skilled players run the show and create a "level of play" that the aforementioned dedicated players will never experience.
The most significant reason behind that philosophy is that the furthest reaches of the endgame will always get the most attention once everything else runs dry. Take for example Trials these days on Twitch - it's always been the most popular to watch because it demonstrates the most skill. Ranked playlists would make ranked pvp, in all likelihood, the most popular thing. The community would focus more on it, and we'd have a community less focused on fun and more on being the best. Not to be a total doomsayer, but I do think it is extremely likely that the Destiny community being the great place it is is due in *huge* part to Bungie preventing skilled players from running the show however they can. I feel it is very likely that, if ranked play were introduced, the Destiny community would look a lot more like the Overwatch community. For those of you who haven't experienced ranked Overwatch, it's really not that uncommon to get trash talked for a mistake in competitive play. It is a good game, but the community can't hold a candle to Destiny.
My point being: I fully understand their reticence with ranked play, and I too have concerns that if it were implemented without proper regard for how it will impact the player, it would do much more harm than good.
I don't agree with his statement that they are making sacrifices in pve to make the pvp experience be better, and I also think he makes it sound like too much of a foregone conclusion that better pvp balance should lead to ranked pvp. I think it's a bit silly to imply that improving something would somehow mean it needs to go a different direction.
Still, I do agree with the most driving point Datto makes throughout his video about following through and creating meaning behind the gameplay. Ranked or not, Datto is completely right about the need for more substance behind some game modes. Rankings may be the best solution, but I'd rather have a game where I can't stand out as much versus getting yelled at for not using my ult right. This is a topic Bungie has to be careful to do right.