Ozzy Onya A2Z
I find zucchini one of those vegetables that can be a pain to cook too. It has that tight threshold where you can go from cooked and firm, to overcooked and soggy as fuck.
Totally agree.
Chopped up chilies is one thing I'm a sissy. I'm not into super hot food, and the times I tossed in some hot peppers I screwed it up cooking it in too long so the entree became a flamethrower. LOL. For me, I take the wimp way out and prefer hot sauce on the side as a dip and use cheap mainstream stuff like Frank's or Valentina's.
Depends on the type of chilli, I'm not dropping a ghost pepper in there. We get these ones and they vary from mild to some spice on your lips and tongue but they're rarely overpowering. Then again we like spicy food in our house. Good for personal tastes to have it on the side. Chopped chillies we usually put em in a bowl and whomever wants it adds it at the table themselves.
As dumb as it sounds, when I do Chinese take out and get sauce packets, sometimes the hot sauce packets are good. And I stock up on them along with packets of duck sauce which are way better than plum sauce. lol
Not dumb, we have a box in our pantry for all those sorts of consumable packets. Bloody brilliant for camping or weekends away etc. We always ask for extra when getting take away and then store the extra. My daughter and wife are on point there, they take pride in that game, classic.