How many aftershock have ocurred till now?, 5, 6?
And this one is way stronger!!!!!
And this one is way stronger!!!!!
I was fighting (mission 31 MGSV spoiler). Talk about fitting.Sahelantropus
We're all right. It wasn't as big as the 2010 one, but holy shit that was long.
weird bump. cause im goin to Chile for the third time on the 29th
think im only gonna stay in Santiago but imma try to hit a few places I havent yet
prob gonna go see Pedro Piedra on the 4th. love him
porque hablan en ingles D:
Damn. My girlfriend is calling me freaking out. So helpless being away from there right now.USGS is saying it was an 8.3 magnitude quake.
weird bump. cause im goin to Chile for the third time on the 29th
think im only gonna stay in Santiago but imma try to hit a few places I havent yet
prob gonna go see Pedro Piedra on the 4th. love him
porque hablan en ingles D:
I will ask for a fitting thread name change
"Los ingleses de latinoamerica" lol
De aquí al 29 va a estar todo bien yo creo. Esta semana habrán sus buenas réplicas.
ANÁLISIS DEL SISMO | El sismo tuvo una ruptura aproximada de unos 50 km de longitud. Alcanzó 8,4 grados en la escala de Magnitud de Momento.
Este tipo de sismo se produjo por subducción de Nazca bajo Sudamericana, liberando tensión acumulada en la zona intraplaca. ¿cuánto durarán las réplicas? De forma prematura, las réplicas podrían extenderse entre 6 a 8 meses.
Alcanzó un peak de VIII grados en la escala de Mercallí. El tipo de movimiento en la astenósfera se logró concluir en oscilatorio finalizando en trepidatorio.
ChileGaf, just contacted my dad, hes an ex-navy officer, he's watching the sea in Coquimbo from a high point and the sea is going nuts. Things could get ugly, if any of you is anywhere near the coast of the 4th Region, please evacuate if you havent, stay safe. Even if you're not "very close" to the sea, just do it.
I will ask for a fitting thread name change
Posted this in other thread but my partners best friend lives in Coquimbo. We are in the UK by the way. But she hasn't been on Facebook or whats app since half an hour before this quake hit. Anyone know if power lines etc are out in the area? Getting worried but hope its nothing.
Land of the Natural Disasters xD
I will ask for a fitting thread name change
ChileGAF |OT| 9 out of 10 disasters prefer Chile
8 muertos confirmados
Not again, fuck you pachamama!
What does hdi stand for here?
Why is Chile GAF so dead? Wake up mother fuckers!
Anyone know anything about declaracion de renta for extranjeros? As a foreigner working in Chile I have no idea what I'm doing. 🌚🐖👀
I know its still early but want to know the process.
Contract. But I left that place and am starting a new job in three weeks.What do you need to know about it? SII makes everything super simple, are you on a contract or you are an independent worker?
Contract. But I left that place and am starting a new job in three weeks.
It is all done online on Nothing comes in the mail? Because I am at a new address and don't want to miss any documents being mailed to me. I guess I need to get a clave from SII first.
In Canada taxes are a bit more complicated it seems.