No, GBA vastly outperformed PSP for launch. Over 250k more for it's first NPD actually.GB and GBC were slowburners as well. Also, the PSP had a noticeably better launch than GBA which is relevant to the snapshot of handheld systems from 2005-present.
For all the bad things that can be said about how the PSP was handle, the one thing did right was the launch. With Vita, Sony didn't even get that right.
GBA 870K
PSP 619K
NDS 480K
3DS 400K
PSV 225K
People forget how strong GBA actually was at the time, month to month it moved more than PS2.
Also, GBC was the opposite of "slow burn". I don't have NPD figures handy but you have to consider the thing sold ~50m worldwide in less 4 years. GBC's insane success actually led to Nintendo delaying GBA launch over a year, it sold way above what anyone predicted.