I like the watch, but to be honest, getting the fitness part of it to remotely accomplish the same thing as a Fitbit app and tracker is a bit of a dumpster fire from what Ive seen so far. I have to use one app to record food (MyFitnessPal), another app to record activity (Activity), and another app to act as the broker between them (Health), but sometimes the broker app feeds the food app with data collected by the phone instead of the watch? And the food app doesnt know how many calories Ive burned based on heart rate and weight, it just takes a goal chosen by me and adds the calories burned during exercise to that goal number to assume how much I should eat? That seems... flimsy at best.
There has got to be an easier way to accomplish this stuff.
Think of Apples Health app as a giant database that apps can feed data into and read data out of, which in reality it is, and in my opinion it excels at. I use MFP to track calories, which it then deposits into Health. MFP isnt great at tracking calories burned, thats what the Watch and Activity are for. I use a smart scale to record my weight. Now MFP is stubborn and will accept calories you burn from a dedicated workout, but not just the active or resting calories that you burn naturally through the day that the Watch records, so I use the app CaliCalo to do that.
Each app has a function they excel at and some ancillary functions they dont, but I can just leverage the strengths of all of them to get what I want using Health as the mediator.
Health Mate: used with my scale to record my weight
MyFitnessPal: record calories
Apple Watch: track all calories burned, both through just existing and through workouts. Apple Watch does all the calculations based on weight, type of workout, and heart rate so it should be the most accurate
CaliCalo: give me net calories for the day based on MFP and Apple Watch data
And I have some other apps for more specialized workouts, like Nike Run Club and Intervals and Pocket Yoga and Strong, all which leverage what the Apple Watch is recording to get the most accurate measurements.
Find an app that does a specialized function you want, and link it up to Health. Youll get better information and theyll all be flowing to one database for easy day-by-day tracking. Theres a lot of flexibility here