What would you say he was right about?Thanos was right
Thanos is a classic environmentalist.What would you say he was right about?
It only makes sense in a scenario where you don't have a reality warping mega device. He just wanted to mass genocide. If he really gave a shit, with the Infinity Gauntlet you could just, you know, make infinite supplies of resources for all or stop entropy from happening or a million other things that aren't mass genocide because you got the feels for it.Thanos was right
He just had a medical problem with his heart.
Certainly would consider him a tragic figure. Phenomenal performance by Joaquin Phoenix as well.
I've always wondered about that with certain screenplays. Todd Phillip's Joker is another character that many found themselves empathizing with.Is this "The Batman" the thread?Well, until the writers were like "Riddler is making major sense right now, got to make him kill a bunch of innocents so he needs stopping."
High-functioning, high IQ sociopath. Hard to imagine the smartest man alive not being extremely pragmatic in dealing with dilemmasWatchmen
Thanos was right
Right, Thanos would almost be my answer except his solution wasn't the right one. With that kind of power, he could have created infinite resources, or even change the foundation of the universe so less resources are needed. His solution was temporary at best. On planet earth alone, our population has exploded in a relatively short amount of time. We're at 7.7 billion this year alone. Let's say Thanos came along and wiped out half, bringing us down to... about 3.8 billion people. We were last in that range in the early 70s. Give us another 50 years, and we're right back where we started with the same problems. Thanos is right to be aware of the problem, but his solution is idiotic.It only makes sense in a scenario where you don't have a reality warping mega device. He just wanted to mass genocide. If he really gave a shit, with the Infinity Gauntlet you could just, you know, make infinite supplies of resources for all or stop entropy from happening or a million other things that aren't mass genocide because you got the feels for it.
At least in the comics the Mad Titan trying to impress Death so she would like him back had a non-zero chance of success. Movie Thanos had no foresight to see that wiping out half is a temporary measure, treating the symptom rather than the actual issue. Which is strange when you work towards a goal for so long. I'm sure he had time to think about it.Right, Thanos would almost be my answer except his solution wasn't the right one. With that kind of power, he could have created infinite resources, or even change the foundation of the universe so less resources are needed. His solution was temporary at best. On planet earth alone, our population has exploded in a relatively short amount of time. We're at 7.7 billion this year alone. Let's say Thanos came along and wiped out half, bringing us down to... about 3.8 billion people. We were last in that range in the early 70s. Give us another 50 years, and we're right back where we started with the same problems. Thanos is right to be aware of the problem, but his solution is idiotic.
I agree. The funny thing is, they changed this soooooooo much from the actual comic. In the comic, Thanos wanted to impress death with a high kill count if I remember right. Not sure why they skewed the story in the movies. Did they want to make Thanos more "approachable" and not a psychopath?Thanos was right
What do you mean by that?I’m not sure a ton of people will answer,
we all saw what happened to Kanye with answers to something like this.
This question reminds me of a video a video I watched a while back:Whether it be in a film, a show, a book, or a video game. Are there any instances when you thought the villain made some very compelling arguments?
Ah yes, the black lives matter extremist with muscles, such a great and deep character...Killmonger do be spittin facts tho
Was thinking along similar lines...I think the people on Alderaan had it coming to them.
Zod is also a bit dumb using a sea of skulls to bring across his argument if it's meant to be sympathetic, if anything, it will strengthen the resolve of those against him...Was thinking along similar lines...
Even Jor-el saw the planet's imminent self-destruction.
But of course Zod's "solution" to the problem is what makes him a villain in most people's (myself included) eyes.